IDENTITÉ__ The proposed design for Europe and Centrale squares aims to strengthen their identity as multifunctional and symbolically charged spaces, by balancing and clarifying their character between the Lower and the Upper Town: a new elevated Green Plateau connects the roof of Fnac to that of parking St François.
CONNECTIVITÉ__ The curved plateau will function not only as a passage but as a wide and receptive public space of which the terrasse Jean Monnet will now be an organic part. On the St François parking side, the creation of bleachers between the passerelle piétonne and the level facing Avenue Jules completes the bold connection.
LISIBILITÉ__ A new Arch is created, but unlike those of the Grand Pont, it is developed in the plan view, and is placed parallel to this emblematic structure, which mainly accommodates vehicular traffic, in order to create a parallel, longitudinal space, but dedicated to pedestrians. A smaller transverse bridge connects them.
MULTIMODALITÉ__ On the Ville Haute level and enjoying the privileged views, the role of the space is multiple: it allows for multiple interconnections on a horizontal level, receives vertical movements that connect the squares and the docks, accommodates high and low planting, acts as a resting area and welcomes cultural events and recreation of all kinds.
PÉRMÉABILITÉ__ On Places de l'Europe et Centrale level, the liberation of space and the restoration of unity is attempted by the removal of the TL building and the open-air parking space as well as by the introduction of curvilinear paving lines that suggest pedestrian movement and penetrate the arches of the Grand Pont in synergy with those of Place Pépinet.
ACCECIBILITÉ__ In a centrobaric position and in continuity with the bridge that connects to Rue Pichard a new staircase is placed in order to connect the square and the central stairs of the metro stations. Both are trapezoid, while the rectangular staircases on the side of Voie du Chariot and from Place Centrale are accompanied by escalators.
TRI-DIMENSIONNALITÉ__The strong three-dimensional nature of the field, combined with its complex character as a traffic Hub is an asset that must be strengthened: the intertwining of horizontal and vertical movements is enhanced by the appropriate placement of 7 new elevators, 2 of which connect to the Grand Pont, and 3 with the Connexion Verte.
MOBILITÉ__The multiple character of the space's mobility must also be ensured: The necessary for the operation of the L.E.B. rond-point remains in place near Voie du Charoit in order to protect the piétonne character of the square, while three new stations are planned for bicycles - on the side of the slope of the L.E.B and two more at the edges of the Connexion Verte.
ADAPTABILITÉ__ The main adaptation moves consist of the modification of the shape of the L.E.B. slope, the careful readjustment of the upper end of the St François parking building, as well as the green transformation of the Lumen/ABC building: bleachers mitigate the height difference and are complemented by a pergola in Γ shape.
CONSTRUCTABILITÉ__ The metal construction of the raised plateau of Connexion Verte is proposed by a grid of beams resting on corresponding mushroom-shaped metal columns in two types. The upper end of the largest of them welcomes the appropriate pots for its five large trees that will offer their protective shade to the upper level.
MATERIALITÉ__ The white color of the metal surfaces on the pillars and the ceiling creates a contrast with the earthly materiality of the plateau, made of dark-colored cubic stones with planting. For the surface of the two squares, cobblestones of smooth, lighter granites are suggested while the polished side surfaces of the stainless steel structure reflect the sky and participate in the play of transparency of the circular elevators.
DURABILITÉ__ In addition to the proposed materials, sustainability is sought with a perimetrical reinforcement of greenery, both on the curved junction of the new plateau with the crête and avenue Gonin, where it is proposed to reduce the height difference and eliminate the parking space, as well as in the area of the Lumen building/ ABC, which recedes behind an exuberant planting grid.
SIMPLICITÉ__The creation of a large space on the Upper Town level, where bicycle and pedestrian traffic is predominant, is proposed with a simple geometry. The two curved lines that join the Jean Monnet terrace with the Parking terrace seem to have always been there, calling for their implementation.
CENTRALITÉ__ A plateau and a canopy are born. Below, the central entrance-exit to the platforms is accommodated in the simplest way, vertical movements are connected to it and events take place there. The plateau functions as a belvedere and as a balcony to the square. Its surface is protected and doubled at the same time, while a new, dense centrality is created.
UNITÉ__ The proposal attempts to trasform the central space of the city of Lausanne with the main concern of integrating the interventions into the potential of the existing space: The soft gesture of the Connexion Verte can work in a calm way complementary to the robustness of the Grand Pont, where both will coexist for the benefit of the two unified Squares.
Project Team:
Andrianopoulos Tilemachos, Montsenigos Christos, Xanthopoulos Konstantinos, Paraskevopoulou Vasiliki, Karydi Mikelina, Coles Jono
Structural Design:
Kontizas Athanasios
Tournikiotis Panagiotis_Urban Planning
Mavrogeorgis Thodoris_Mobility Design
Study: 2022