The undeniable, cycloid geometry of the main field gives birth to the proposal: The restored area lays already at the circumference of a circle the interior of which can be gradually colonized through the process of ecological succession. In order for the process to be accelerated, the restored area can be converted to a robust ecosystem which will extend both inwardly towards the field, and outwardly, through successive zones of progressively escalating planting: both through height and density. The goal is that the already planted areas will be converted by suitable additions to a high biomass mixed forest, defining a new, forest ‘Circumference’. To the north and the two villages the forestry ‘Circumference’ is proposed to progressively change in density and height. More porous, with species of lower growth and receptive of a linear succession of activities, the landscape outside of the circumference may be a functional element of conformation of the area between the two settlements: a hyper-local recreation and environmental awareness pole, where planting is insolubly engaged with the architectural configurations -an exuberant, welcoming tangent. The interoperable synergy between architecture and landscape configurations is geometrically expressed by two gestures: the circumference and the tangent. The first, is opened as an external boundary of the proposed compact new forest, and the second, of a length of 2.5 km, is a linear receptor of social, cultural and sports activities: An ecology, recreation and culture route which connects the two settlements. Various areas of leisure, gathering and information, walking and bike trails, new sports courts, outdoor exhibition spaces, natural life observatories, experimental cultivation areas, community gardens, form a locally active linear park, which aspires on the course of time to acquire supralocal character. Strong symbolic entrance of the new landscape from the city of Ptolemais, a circular water reservoir: a wetland.
Tilemachos Andrianopoulos
Konstantinos Kosmas
Nestoras Skantzouris
Landscape Consultant
Andrew Michael Clements